“3rd International Conference on Neuroscience and Psychiatry”

Scientex conference is proficient in organizing conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops with the ingenious and peerless speakers throughout the planet providing you and your organization with a broad range of networking opportunities to globalize your research and make your own identity.

With a grand success of past two series of Neuroscience conference, We welcome you all to attend the “3rd International Conference on Neuroscience and Psychiatry” scheduled during November 16-17, 2023 in Dubai, UAE. The main theme of the conference is “Modern Revolution for the Future of Neuroscience and Psychiatry”. Join this intimate forum to create meaningful partnerships with 50+ Neuroscience experts. Translate key technological & mechanistic neuroscience advances into the clinic.

Our goal is to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of Neuroscience and Psychiatry to exchange and share meaningful experiences of various treatment procedures for mental health, neurological disorders and stroke.


Target Audience
• Neurologists, Neurosurgeons, Neuroscientists, and Researchers
• Neurology Faculty and Students
• Doctors and Scientists
• Universities, Associations, and Societies
• Students and Research Scholars
• Business Delegates
• Product Manufacturer
• Psychiatrists and Psychologists

Neuroscience 2023 Mission: To provide the highest quality neuroscience and psychiatry education to learners and practitioners of all levels.

Neuroscience 2023 Vision: Through our inspiring international faculty, innovative programming, and vibrant interactions among all attendees, Neuroscience 2023 conference aspires to be the best neuroscience and psychiatry educational event in the world.

Professor Lyudmila Vasilyeva will take part in the congress.

Program https://www.neuroscience.scientexconference.com/scientificprogram

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